What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a medical condition that is caused when your body stops naturally producing insulin. This causes too much glucose in the blood (your bodies vigor source), but not enough getting to your cells. Insulin is a hormone produced by cells in the pancreas, and it helps the body use glucose for energy. Insulin does an leading job, as it regulates the number of glucose in the blood. There are two distinct forms of diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
How Do Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes Differ?
Type 1 Diabetes ordinarily affects babies and young children, it occurs when the insulin producing cells are destroyed and the body produces no insulin. It therefore must be injected into the body, sometimes on a daily basis. Type 1 Diabetes is totally unavoidable, but this may not be the case for Type 2 Diabetes which ordinarily affects habitancy in adulthood. Over 90% of habitancy who suffer from diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes. Obesity, high blood pressure, poor diet and living a sedentary lifestyle can all lead to Type 2 Diabetes. This type of diabetes means there is either too diminutive insulin in the body or it is struggling to conduct its insulin effectively.
The Main Signs Of Diabetes
Here are some of the warning signs that may mean that you are suffering form diabetes:
A excellent Thirst
Are you drinking a lot more fluids than usual, and are you finding your thirst impossible to quench? With diabetes, your body draws more water out of the blood to dilute the glucose in your body, leaving you very thirsty.
Excessive Urination
Frequent visits to the bathroom (to urinate) is someone else warning sign that should make you think. If you are passing more water than you are well drinking, then you need to get checked out.
Unexplained Weight Loss
Having type 1 Diabetes can lead to drastic weight loss as the body will start to feed on muscle and fat in crusade of glucose.
Feeling Hungry
Having diabetes will cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate wildly, causing you to feel very hungry. Even after eating a meal you may feel starving a short time later.
Feeling Tired
Diabetes starves your cells of glucose, and therefore your body of vital energy. You will feel run down, lethargic and weak over a period of time and can even have dizzy spells and episodes of fainting.
If you have any of the main signs of diabetes, then you need to get checked out by a doctor. If it goes untreated, diabetes can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney disease. You can also reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes by eating a well balanced diet and taking regular exercise.
Diabetes Sugar Levels :The Main Signs Of Diabetes