The Apprentice 2012 E04 P2 - Diabetes Sugar Levels
Series 8 Episode Four Part 2 Of 4. Lord Sugar asks the teams to set up second-hand shops in London's fashionable East End, home to a thriving market in retro and refurbished household goods. The teams must source second-hand stock from auctions, junk shops and car boot sales, and resell at a profit during a one-day-sale from their respective shops. One team goes for quality, seeking just a few choice items, but even then one team member cannot curb his basic instincts and rifles through rubbish bins in a frantic bid for bargains. The other team go for quantity, filling their shop with bric-a-brac which they plan to upgrade with a lick of paint and a spot of upholstering. Day two sees the shops open to the public, and as one team's goods are snapped up their stock levels plummet and it looks increasingly unlikely that they will have enough to sell. In the other shop there is plenty to choose from, but customers do not buy into the team's creative efforts and sales take a desperate turn. Everybody ducks responsibility in the boardroom, but for one candidate there is no hiding from the finger of blame and the dreaded words "You're fired".